EPIGAP OSA Photonics stands for excellent know-how in the field of semiconductor technology for the production of LED chips. The product range additionally includes the various SMDs from our production in Berlin. We attach great importance to the special requirements of our customers.
Our products
Safety and Security
Special lighting, sensors, measurement technology and displays using LEDs and photodiodes.
Medical technology and biophotonics
Miniaturization by means of LED chips, LEDs, SMDs and CoB modules.
Our News
Distributor Meeting 2024
Last week we once again had the pleasure of holding our annual distributor meeting.
new generation of red LED Display Chips
Monolithic Display Chips for small optical systems enable to present numbers, letters and symbols for reticles in optical instruments.
New high power visible-NIR broadband LED
OSA opto light developed short wavelength LED in combination with phosphors.The OCL-480 GIR, represents a new milestone for broadband high-power emitters.
Was ist die EPIGAP OSA Photonics GmbH?
At our site on the green outskirts of Berlin, we manufacture LED chips, LEDs, photodiodes and customized CoB modules for our customers worldwide.
What is EPIGAP OSA Photonics GmbH?
On the outskirts of Berlin, we produce LED chips, LEDs, photodiodes as well as bespoke CoB modules for our national as well as international customers.
Air Clean Rooms